Employee Self Service Software

Ess, Employee Self-Service Portal to Run EZHRM with greater ease!

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ESS Portal or ESS System

EZHRM software comes with an ESS or Employee’s self service portal. What is an ESS? ESS panel is a self-service portal that is a part of the software. It allows your employees to work on various functions of EZHRM.

What Can You Do With EZHRM’s ESS Portal?

Mark attendance, apply for your leaves, download pay slips, view leave status, update your profile, view certifications.

ESS Is A Savior In Attendance Management!

Attendance management is not as easy as it seems, keeping records and calculations of the same at the end of every month is mystifying. With employee self service mobile app, marking attendance is easy and further provides clear visuals to HR for calculations.

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Mobile App

Empowering Employees With ESS Portal

Attendance management is not as easy as it seems, keeping records and calculations of the same at the end of every month is mystifying. With employee self service mobile app, marking attendance is easy and further provides clear visuals to HR for calculations.

Employee Self Service Portal Features?

  • Promotes better communication
  • Builds a sense of trust
  • Transparency is served between employee and the organization
  • Promotes employees engagement

Let’s Build Trust And Transparency With EZHRM

Try EZHRM today!